Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How can I to learn English fast

How can I to learn English fast?
I live in Poland and I want to learn English language. If anybody knows how to do it, please tell me :) My family language is Russian and second Polish.
Languages - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It looks like you already know the basics. The best way to keep learning would be to talk to English people or better yet to live in an English speaking country for a while. IF you prefer to stay in Poland, you can speak to some people who speak english or go to a place where they teach english. Try reading english books, especially ones that interest you. You could also read an English book which has been translated to russian and or polish so you can understand if things don't make sense. Try writing in English. You could always try talking in chat rooms, but half the people in them don't speak proper English, but it might help you understand slang... umm...the best way that students in Australia learn English is by always using it and by reading lots of books... you could always read the dictionary, but i find that really boring (not that i've ever done that of course) =D if you are trying to learn to speak english try watching some movies in English. You can begin by watching with Russian or Polish subtitles and eventually try watching without subtitles. Good luck
2 :
You seem have done very well with asking the question. Are you sure that you can not speak english?
3 :
The best way of learning english is speaking. The more you speak the more you learn. Never hesitate to speak even if you are wrong. Writing stories or your daily happenings helps you to learn faster. Note every time you make a mistake try to find out the correct word or sentance and keep using the same. Good luck.
4 :
I understand your interests. there is no such as shortcuts when you wanna learn a language. learning a language can take a while.

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