Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In poland do most people live in the city or the countryside

In poland do most people live in the city or the countryside? why?
Is there a minority group in poland? if soo how are they treated? What did people invent in poland? How does the average person in Poland make a living? i would really appreciate it if a polish person could help me out I'm trying to do a project for school. unfortunately i don't know any polish people. THANKS!!!!
Poland - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
I've noticed you asked alot of questions about Poland. But you didn't organize them... there's alot of polish sites even in english where you can find such general information as what you need. check this: there's loooots of info about tradition, customs, famous people, food, minorities, history, economy. also even with polish constitution(!), maps and so on. it's about what it's worth seeing in Poland. you can really find answers for your all questions. On first site I found info about how many people live in the city and the countryside, but believe me: I didn't care to know it before ;) In the cities 61,8% citizens, in the countryside 38,2%, it means when there is 100 people in the countryside - in the same time there is 162 people in the cities. According to information from 2003y 94% of people is christian catholic. Feel free to ask if you want to know more after you read this sites...
3 :
It is not true that most people live in the countryside; in fact, in excess of 70% live in towns and cities. Only a little more than one per cent declare nationality other than Polish, mostly that of nations bordering with Poland in the west (Germans) and in the East (Lithuanians, Belarusians). There are no national resentments in Poland of any sort. There were a few inventors in Polish history: Ignacy Łukasiewicz was a 19th c. chemist, who first saw the benefits of commercial crude oil exploitation and processing, and invented the first oil lamp, street oil lamp, oil mine. Jan Szczepanik invented in late 19th c. the first television system, which, however, never found commercial use. At present, however, inventions appear in very specialist and sometimes obscure sectors, so it would be hard to name any offhand. As for people's incomes: mostly salaries, but the self-employment sector is growing. A very small percentage obtains income from stock exchange or other securities trading.
4 :
Good answers from Witeczek and Meratak. Check out those sites. Just two more ethnicities missing: - Roma. Their numbers are very small, only about 40,000 people so 0.1% of the population. - Jews. Same population estimate -- again, 0.1% of the population. Good luck with your project and come visit central Europe sometime!

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