Monday, March 21, 2011

If Capitalism works so well in Poland why almost half of them live abroad now and none wants to come back

If Capitalism works so well in Poland why almost half of them live abroad now and none wants to come back?
Same with almost all other former socialist countries except maybe for Russia. But Russia was doing pretty well even under Communists. It was the second largest (after the US) world's economy back then.
Politics - 13 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you dumb turd. You must be a lib. Only a lib would say stup!d shit like this... well here is my counter moron... I guess that's why the Mexicans want to come work in America cause Capitalism works soo well
2 :
Polands economy is growing daily. Many are moving back.
3 :
ROFLMAO you lost me at "But Russia was doing pretty well even under Communists" Are you seriously that Naive? lets not forget, what made America the biggest and baddest for so long? Oh thats right, Capitolism AND Freedom
4 :
could you link a source, so I can formulate my answer.
5 :
Our economy is growing rapidly. In 5 years or so we will reach the same level we had in 80s and then we will become rich. So do not worry. Capitalism is great! We are free now!
6 :
80 years of socialism vs 20 years of "capitalism"
7 :
The right wing Kaczyński twins who both ruled Poland until recently are a couple of morons, I think that's why.
8 :
You're confused. Polands net migration rate is -.46/1000. Do the math, see how close that comes to 50%. Further, where are Poles migrating to? Other capitalist countries, not to communist ones. And finally, the GDP of the USSR was 36 of the US, and per capita was 24 percent of the US. Hardly "doing pretty well" by any stretch of the imagination. You need better arguments, but thanks for playing.
9 :
It must be all the atheists. OR They were secretly socialist. Don't you know every time conservative capitalistic policies fail, it is ALWAYS the fault of atheists and socialists? Just ask them. GW Bush was a liberal socialist. He could do no wrong until the US went into the toilet, then overnight he went from being the perfect conservative capitalist to a socialist. He tricked them and lied to 'em, don't you know? (sarcasm)
10 :
You are factually wrong. Poland hasn't been very capitalist and neither have any of the Soviet "client states." Not being forced to participate in the Soviet Federation does not equal "capitalism." They moved in that direction, a little, but mostly remained socialist. The USSR EVER being a large economy was always an illusion. Poverty at literally life-threatening levels was the norm for anyone outside the political and criminal classes. The plain fact is that ALL economies completely depend on capitalism, even if it's been driven "underground." Find me a place where capitalism has been effectively eliminated and I promise you the people there are starving to death. No exceptions.
11 :
If capitalism works so bad in the US, then how come everyone wants to move here?
12 :
Russia, since the fall of "Communism", has basically been backsliding into the 3rd world. On a related note Russia did not practice communism, but a form of state capitalism. On another related note people should quit being inaccurate and equating capitalism with democracy/freedom. You can be a capitalist in a monarchy and could theoretically have a communist/state capitalist system in a republic/democracy. State Capitalism, by the way, is what elevated Russia from being one of the poorest, crappiest countries in the world to being a superpower in the span of a generation. ----------------------------- Just to respond to the dumbest and most racist answer listed above- Mexico is a free market economy. There is just as much capitalism there as there is here, jerk.
13 :
In 1980 the GDP of People's Republic of Poland was about 12 times lower than we have today. If not communism that was not a democratic choice of Polish people but forced on our country as a result of Yalta conference (1945) GDP in the 1980 would have been MUCH higher than it was. Just a few months ago Poland finished to pay a HUDGE loan that was borrowed by the leader of communist party (the only party in communist Poland) comrade Edward Gierek IN THE 70TIES from CAPITALIST countries (maybe even from your country). Our society all the time have to catch up the backwardness that was made by communist puppet government controlled from Moscow during the 50 years of their not supported by Polish society rule. Poland is a member of the EU and there are no such thing like IMIGRATION inside EU. If you have EU passport (we don't even need a passport, Polish ID is enough to travel inside EU) you have right to live, work, open your buissnes etc. everywhere in the EU where you want and you are treated like local people. Personally I don't see any grounds on what Polish people have to live in worst conditions than people in the Western Europe. WE ARE NOT second category people just because 60 years ago three guys from other countries (Roosevelt, Churchill and of course the great leader of ever, comrade Stalin) decided to put our country on WRONG SIDE of Iron Curtain. But most people don't want to wait to be richest for next decades. They want to improve the standard of their life TODAY, so they go to other countries of the EU to look for the better paid job ( that is usually called by local people “job for penauts”). These other countries of Europe unlike our country have free market economy since decades. And this is the reason they are more wealthy. If they had 50 years of communism, today they would be on the similar level as our part of Europe. As for Russia’s doing pretty well. I tell you a story. In the 30ties during the great depression some American workers believed in soviet propaganda (just like you my brainwashed friend). Ford company opened its (capitalist of course) factory in Nizhniy Novgorod. Many of these American workers came to work in USSR in this factory. Few years later almost all of these naive communism lovers finished up in soviet Gulags. Nobody of them survive. In fact level of life of an average USSR citizen even during the communist times was lower than the level of life of an average Hungarian, Pole, Czech not to mention Yugoslavian. As for today situation of Russia (I doubt you have ever been there) without exporting of their natural resources the economy of this 150 million nation is the same big as the economy of 15 million Holland. Of course I would like to be in one of Russian milionare oligarch skin but the most of Russians are not oligarchs but just ordinary people whose conditions of life are VERY low considering Russia is treated as a world power. But it is their choice and they prefer to have nuclear weapon then rich society. For me the most important is they will not interfere in internal affairs of my country. One more thing. If you want to write something about places you have never visited and things you have never experienced first try to experience it by yourself and don’t use some fact that you are not sure they are true but it seems to you that are true. BTW. Check what does it mean the term “useful idiot” .

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