Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Do polish people living in poland still get upset on world war 2 or still have doubts on specific countrys

Do polish people living in poland still get upset on world war 2 or still have doubts on specific countrys....?
Im polish living in NewZealand. My parents where born in poland but i was born here. I still get deeply upset about the talk of ww2 jsut becasue I get upset thinking about my grandparents in the war. Do you care about it or no? Sorry that was really hard to word,sorry if it doesnt make much sense.
Poland - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Since the war ended most of the Polish people dont like Germans. Especially Russians because they are hiding the real truth of Katyn 2010 The plain crash
2 :
Well, the war is over and there is nothing we can do for those who have died in war except to remember them in our hearts. What we can do not is to ensure that such things do not happen again.
3 :
It's hard to say - some do, some not. I was born in 1995, so to my parents and granparents WW2 is not such a... "far-away" topic, so to say, since it didn't happen that long ago. People my age were most told as children what happened on WW2 and some of them grow with some kind of... not hate, but probably dislike for the German and Russian. (Though the Russian are not liked not only because of WW2 - Poland and Russia never had a nice relationship.) Personally, I'm not upset about it... It's a thing of the past, thought it definitely shouldn't be forgotten. I heard that in Germany WW2 is a taboo topic and they don't teach kids at school about it at all, and this is one of the things that upsets me greatly.
4 :
every time i talk with my grandmother , i'm astonished with what she says - i've never heard her saying anything bad about both Germans and Russians . she's Polish , lived in the times of WW2 ,was send to Siberia , where she had to live for several yrs and work extremely hard . i notice that's mainly young people , that are upset on people from these countries , although they know nothing about that time . of course , we'll probably never forgive what Germans and Russians have done to us then , but these murderers from WW2 are DEAD now !! people who live in these countries now have nothing to do with their crimes . Poles i know , usually understand that , but there are still people who hate them . i live in a town that used to be German before WW2 , so we've got a lot of tourists from there and pepole usually don't like them as they are quite annoing . but the problem here is that they sometimes try to get back their houses they lived in the past , that are now are settled by poor Polish old people . and they sometimes do ........
5 :
Most of us have forgot about that. Why you gotta bring it up? Just kidding, we didn't forget, but we're over it already. That was 80 years ago! What happend, happend.
6 :
It's a hard question. WWII is not forgotten, but how it is perceived, it varies. For my Grandmother war was time of terror, she literally saw people tortured by Germans. My and my parents' generations didn't really saw the war, but rather had it presented at schools, by books etc. Polish schools have 3 levels (primary, lower and upper secondary). And at every level of school during history and Polish war is discussed. It starts with patriotic poems in primary schools and ends with accurately written documentaries of Germans' and Soviets' cruelty. So even we, young people, do know what happened during the War. So we do care. And do we hate Germans or Russians? I'd say that there is a overall dislike for those two nations, but no dislike when it comes to private relationships, friendships etc. My school for example has a school exchange with a school in Germany and it is not like the participants hate each other, they usually rather become friends.

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