Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What plant/tree releases pollen at the end of May and start of June

What plant/tree releases pollen at the end of May and start of June?
For the past 3 maybe 4 years every time it gets to the end of May, I start my allergies. So I was wondering what plant might be the cause of it. I live in Poland now, but it all started back when I was in Sweden. I assume, this would have to be some plant commonly found in Europe. Thank you for your help Also I tried using google, but most allergy information was related to the US, so I don't know if I can apply it to European flora.
Botany - 2 Answers
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1 :
Could be the Goat or Pussy Willow tree.
2 :
Elm, willow, grass, oak, birch and a few others could all be culprits, although grass is now peaking in Poland, so if I were to bet on anything, it would be the grass. Their peak times vary according to location. I found 'pollen calendars' for the UK and Sweden (Stockholm area), and most of the allergy producing plants exist in both countries. I was surprised to notice that pine is not mentioned on the Swedish site, although Sweden is full of those. I also found a pan-European pollen site, where info from Poland is also included.

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