Friday, August 7, 2009

What internet website can establish contact between Japan host and worker from Poland

What internet website can establish contact between Japan host and worker from Poland?
I' live in Poland and I'd like to work for other companies or hosts as a underworker, probably as garbage collector or so in Japan. Is it possible to get the 2 months job legally / ilegally for 2-3 months and try to get the contract to live happily in Japan? What is your suggestion and idea? Is this all about money, visas and so on?
Japan - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's about visa. Working visa for Japan is issued on the job which is at least for 1 year. So you can't work in Japan just for 2-3 months. Besides, I don't think Japan will issue a visa for a garbage collector.
2 :
Do you speak Japanese? That's a 'must have' even for a garbage collector. You could come here on a tourist visa, and then try to get a city government to sponsor you for a work visa. Oh, wait, there's a snowball's chance in hell of that happening. Even the English schools won't hire you, not a native speaker. You can try the "come on a tourist visa and overstay", but even if you find a job, unlikely, you will always have to be looking back over your shoulder. Do things legally. It's good karma.
3 :
It is not all about money. It is to ensure that the millions of native Japanese have a job. Therefore, in order for a foreigner to be legally employed in Japan, you need to get a Work Visa. To qualify for a WorkVisa you must have a University degree from a recognised university(you cannot fake it), as well as a job offer from an employer who will sponsor you. Finally, you must search for such employer from outside Japan: it is illegal to search for such employer while on 'Temporary Visitor' status. Jobs always go to native Japanese first, to reduce the unemployment rate.

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