Friday, September 7, 2012

what is the cost of living in poland

what is the cost of living in poland?

Poland - 2 Answers
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1 :
The cost of living is low in Poland, but incomes are also very low with average annual salaries only around 25% of those in other EU countries. The cost of living varies considerably between the cities and the rural areas, with Warsaw being by far the most expensive location. Typical costs include: 1 litre of milk 2.6 PLN Loaf of bread 2 PLN 1.5 litres of mineral water 1.5 PLN 1 kg applies 3 PLN 0.5 kg pasta 4 PLN 1 litre petrol 4 PLN Small bottle of beer 2.80 PLN Cafe meal 10-20 PLN Restaurant meal 25-50 PLN Apartments check prices here:
2 :
food is expensive, and wages low. Toys are expensive! beware - you pay equal value of dollars for toys.

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