Saturday, September 1, 2012

where is the best place to get info on people who lived in poland ( for example churches )

where is the best place to get info on people who lived in poland ( for example churches )?

Genealogy - 4 Answers
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1 :
Israel (holocast survivors)
2 :
Researching family in Poland is difficult at best, but don't give up hope. The best places to start are and If you know an area, it is easier, but keep in mind that Poland's boundaries changed so many times over the course of time and that "invaders" many times burned or ransacked churches that many records have been lost. Most births, deaths, and marriages were recorded at the local parish church. Good luck in your search!
3 :
I would suggest visiting the local Mormon family history center. They can not only give you direction, but then you can search to see if they have microfilms of records from that area. If they do, you can view the microfilms on the reader that they have at the center, usually for a couple of dollars. It is a little more painstaking than sitting in front of the computer, but it is well worth it, and often times, there is nothing more than you can find on the internet! Good luck, DAve --
4 :
Directly towards the top of the page, notice a box with "search for questions"... there was an excellent tip posted here just in the last week or so (and there have been other questions re Poland before that also). And yes.. Polish research can be tricky, with the MANY boundary and jurisdiction changes. But, don't overlook sources in the US (assuming that is where you are?). My maternal grandparents from Poland settled in Chicago, along with MANY others. Thus, Chicago is one place that has some solid Polish sources. Network, network, network. Subscribe to the Poland email list from rootsweb. I have seen persons who still live in Poland, but speak English, and volunteer with tips and direct knowledge. The internet is magic, when it comes to breaking down distance barriers.

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