Tuesday, August 21, 2012

when were lithuanian jews in poland

when were lithuanian jews in poland?
when did they start living in Poland?(warsaw) My cousins say we are lithuanian jewish, but i looked we are polish jew on their side. The furthest I can go back is like 1840
Poland - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/heritage/episode5/atlas/map3.html# http://members.core.com/~mikerose/history.html
2 :
Consult the history of Poland, my friend - many terriories east of the Baltic Sea once belonged to Poland, then Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, then Russia or Prussia, then USSR or Poland or Lithuania, then Poland or USSR, and nowadays either Poland, Lithuania or Russia. Also, many people even in 19th century didn't thought in the categories of their nationality as we see it now - they were determining "who they are" by their religion (the example is from the territory modern Ukraine, but shows it well: people being of Roman Catholic faith were considered to be Poles, those of Eastern Orthodox - Ukrainians, all speaking the same language of the local russian language family). The Jews are a special case, since they had their separate culture and religion. But still, it could be a matter of the language they used in everyday life, or where they came from. Can't say who is right here (not enough data). Maybe you both are right - the territory from where you trace your origin could have belonged to Poland between the World Wars, and now belongs to Lithuania. Perhaps you refer to different historical periods. Perhaps you refer to the pre-1795, the era of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (which had a common king, among other things) - then, telling whether your family were Polish Jews (since subjects of a Polish king) or Lithuanian (for living within the administrative districts of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, would be close to impossible.
3 :
lithuanian jews same as any other jews were and still are in poland so i'm not sure how to help you but good luck

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