Thursday, March 1, 2012

Anyone ever lived in Poland

Anyone ever lived in Poland?
Im thinkin of gettin an English teaching job there in a few months if i can get one. anyone ever live there whats good whats bad wheres good wheres bad etc etc
Poland - 11 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
My friend was actaually born in a part of poland that I have no idea how to spell. She lived there until she was 10. She said it was okay but she likes it here better.
2 :
Apply for a teaching post in the big cities of Danzig (Gdansk) - on Baltic coast, Krakow (v. old city, beautiful) or Warsaw (Warszawa) next to famous Vistula river, capital of Poland. Don't go for small towns until you are already familiar with the language and the country. Villages are not always a picture of rural splendour like in other countries - I'd rather use the word 'practical'. Your salary might not be hot, but the experience will be amazing. Good things: the food, nice people, lots of history, interesting language. bad things:usual city crime, public transport might not be as good as in w.europe. Try and live as close as you can to some form of public transport or you'll be really stuck.People also drive like real pigs - so be careful:) for Warsaw for Krakow for Danzig
3 :
Do yourself a favor. Stay at home, or go to a different country. I have been trapped in Poland for over a year now, although I think my sentence will be ending soon, as me and my girlfriend (who is another American suffering here) are planning to leave in the next few months. What's bad?: 1. The people - They are rude. E.G. They walk down the center of the sidewalk and expect everyone else to get out of their way. They will not step aside to share the walkway. They don't generally like foreigners. They are whiny. Instead of having a live and let live attitude, they whine and complain about the smallest things. I could give you numerous examples of this, but it would take a novel-length answer to do so. They are cowardly. Instead of confronting people face-to-face with the small issues they want to whine about, they complain about you to other people. If you're going to be whiny at least have the cajones to confront people to their faces. Oh, and they will try to cheat you out of money if they can get away with it. 2. The money - Even though being an English teacher is one of the highest paid jobs in Poland, you will not earn anything near what you could earn in other places. The Polish Zloty (Zonk as my friends call it) is about worthless. Also, many schools here are notorious for not paying on time, if at all. I have been lucky in that last respect, but have several friends who have not been so lucky. 3. Things are expensive - In comparison to the salaries here, ordinary everyday items take up a much larger percentage of your salary than seems reasonable. 4. Things are cheap - That is cheaply made here. I bought a pair of shoes here for about 150 Zloty, that would have cost me about 30 bucks in the states, and after about a month they started to fall apart. Just one example. 5. Customer Service here is terrible. If you like being treated with respect when you go to a shop or restaurant, stay out of Poland. However, if you like being treated like you just killed the waiter's/clerk's dog when you go shopping or to a restaurant, Poland is the place for you. I think that's enough for now. I could write a book on my year in Poland and what I think of this place and the people, and I'm sure someday I will, but I think you get the idea. Avoid Poland. In response to Madia: I'm sorry but I don't think rudeness, whininess and lack of courage are good cultural traits. I have a fairly open mind when it comes to other cultures and have experienced lots of different cultures in my life and travels and I'm usually pretty accepting of the differences. But let's accept that some things are just bad, and no amount of cultural excuse can make up for the fact that it's bad. Sorry for ripping on Poland and its people, but trying to keep someone from making the same big mistake I did. As for the shoes. A pair of Reeboks here that would cost me about 50 bucks in the states, costs upwards of 300 zloty here. So to get good quality you have to pay through the nose.
4 :
oh man, are we really that bad as 'i dnt like it here' wrote? lol, i;m sorry. Yeah, i don't like this country either and i'm planning on leaving it, but mostly because of the climate. It's not THAT bad. Stay in big cities, there is alot of very friendly people, especially the young ones who know english. If you need any help I'll be happy to give you advice or help you around (i'm in Warsaw). oh,and i'll just add that i've known some Americans before and you guys are not very 'open' people when it comes to other cultures. In poland we have a different style of living than what you're used to, and most americans think that whatever they do is right, and anything that is different than what you do is 'bad' or 'weird'. And when it comes to the stores:you can also get Nike, reeboks etc. and I can assure you they are the same ones as in the States..You can get anything here, good quality stuff and bad quality stuff (those are made in china, not poland...), it's not like everything is BAD over here and we walk in shoes that fall apart...
5 :
I don't mean to be rude, but in order to teach English, you should have better writing abilities. I can't answer your questions because there are English spelling and grammatical errors in most of what you wrote. you mean...I am or I'm thinkin...thinking gettin...getting etc., etc.,.... I only know very basic Polish, so I could not and wouldn't teach the Polish language in America. I would be a poor teacher. Maybe you speak English better than you write, but teaching how to write the language is just as important. If your writing style is similar to your speaking of the English language, then you shouldn't teach it because you would be doing a disservice to yourself and Poles. Maybe there are some other skills or trades that you can teach?
6 :
poorly worded question. Millions of people have lived in poland. You want an english teaching job? from your spelling and grammar, not a chance. Another indication is your wording of the question. .
7 :
Almost everything is good in Poland!! I lived there for 23 years.
8 :
I was born there and lived there till I was 5 and I visit sometimes. It's not that bad. The best place for teaching english would be in big cities like Warsaw, Wroclaw, Lublin, And other cities.
9 :
I think POLSKA is amazing! The history, the people, the service, the architecture, our language, our little villages and big cities! Can I ask, are you a certified English teacher? You're wording is not very sophisticated for a teacher, but Im just assuming because I don't know you. Unlike Mr. " I dont like it here", I LOVE POLAND, everything about our country makes me happy and proud. I do not believe this "I dont like it here' person is an open American. I live in America and I definetely know ALOT of Americans, I've lived here 14 years! Americans are not known for being open to other countries, that is a generalization ofcourse, Im not trying to be offensive, because I too, live in America now. I dont think you ('I dont like it here' person) like Poland because it's not what you're used to. Obviously, you don't think of you're time in Europe as an adventure, you're just trying to get by with your American way of life. Well let me tell you, WAKE UP, Poland is not America. Poland is a great country, with our own culture and own way of life, which I personally love. You need to get out more and enjoy Eastern Europe, you have been ignorant, and if you don't like Poland then whatever, you should have left earlier. To answer the question, I think you will find a mixture of good things and less-good things. The cities have many different tourists and students, so you will find that they're are many foreigners in the big cities. I personally love Krakow and Gdansk, but all the cities and villages are equally special. Good Luck with the job, stayed open-minded, optimistic and enthusiastic and you'll love it!
10 :
Poland ??????? Where is Poland ?????? Is it some central African Country??????? Poland good ????? I recommend my friend , go to China teach English , you can make about $ 45.000 a year plus free apartment . Great people , want to learn and will respect you . Polacks are not smart enough to give them chance to know English . Think twice before you make mistake .
11 :
i did i lived there for 14 years before moving to NYC

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