Sunday, February 21, 2010

In my country(I live in Poland - middle Europe) most people think that USA is agressor(Iraq)

In my country(I live in Poland - middle Europe) most people think that USA is agressor(Iraq)?
USA are necessary in the world, only USA are able to fight whit terrorist, beceause Europa is weak. We don't have good army and gov. The people are scared(especialy after terrorist atack in Madrid when in Spain won Zapattero) I think that war is essential beceause GB in 1933 also didn't want war. I am sorry but my english is wery weak (I am learning english in this holiday) I love america!!!
Military - 44 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i that case you should remeber a date that those of us who care will always remember 9-11-2001
2 :
yes we are the aggressor But we also are the only ones in the world willing to fight
3 :
I don't know if there was a question in there somewhere.. but a lot of us in the US think that the US is the aggressor too..
4 :
How are we the aggressor when the arabs cam eand flew planes in to our building????? Even years ago they have been starting crap with the US, plus if you've read any history on Iraq have you seen what Saddam did to all those poor ppl. Killing innocent ppl??? Sounds like your media doesn't let you know all the details.
5 :
You're right the war on terrorism is necesarry. Mr. Bush just got himself in a load of trouble with the American people when he lied on his reasons for going to war in Iraq. He'd not be in such a bad spot politically now if not for that lie. Not many people here faulted him for attacking Al Queida in Afghanistan. Iraq though, his reasons are very much in question. You're doing a fine job on your english.
6 :
They are certainly NOT the only ones willing to fight. There are other people there, too, and you should not forget that. It is a slap in the face to our allies.
7 :
Thank you. Blessings to you. Keep up the good work on your english
8 :
So you want us to do your dirty work for you - then call us the 'aggressor' when we do it. Figures.
9 :
Because most of the world is mis informed about the greatest country. This is why people are dying to get in.
10 :
I live in the USA and I think that we have no bussiness in Iraq, it is not our country and who are we to tell them how to live.... well I can say this... it is we/us its our president and we can hardly wait until he is out of office for good! I love the USA too, this was just a bad dission on Bushs part.
11 :
Thank you for extending your gratitude in the midst of other individuals who would claim that the USA is arrogant and tyraneous. Have a nice day.
12 :
Yeah, we are the aggressor, but it's because sometimes peace can only be obtained through war. Do we want to police the Do we have little choice because no one else can do it...yes. In short, we declared war, therefore we are the aggressor (although some would argue that the Jihad declared by militanat muslims was declared first, but militant muslims don't necessarilly have a country to go to war against).
13 :
Well first off as an american, I have say my goverment is too egotistical for it's own good. Don't get wrong I agree with all the principles that it was founded on, but thats just it no one in the goverment is concerned with those principles just money, greed is the worst of it......
14 :
I think your use of the word aggressor is a little confusing, in this country that is not a nice thing to call some one. But yet you say you love America. ?
15 :
Yes, we were the only one who decided to attack Saddam Hussein when we should have left Iraq alone until we caught up with Bin Laden.
16 :
Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks of 9-11, and Saddam was incapable of attacking the US. Attacking Iraq only diverted resources that could have been used to fight al-Qaida and find the person responsible - Osama Bin Laden. Now we still havent found Bin Laden, and the CIA just disbanded the task force for finding him. Bush said he would find him 'dead or alive', but now he doesnt care.
17 :
Poland is a strong ally of the USA. Our polish population is large and patriotic. I have Polish ancestors. My church in Florida serves as the city's Polish National Catholic church. Don't believe the press reports in Europe. Search the Internet for different news sources to make your own mind up on what is going on in the Middle East. The USA hasn't been attacked since 9/11, how many times has Europe been attacked? We must be doing something right.
18 :
We are indeed the aggressor. Don't believe anybody who tells you we went to war with Iraq because of the World Trade Center explosions on 11 Sep 2001. That's a myth. It was started by one set of lies that was being told by George Bush and Paul Wolfowitz. I think that Osama bin Laden might have had something to do with 9-11, but Saddam Hussein certainly didn't. There was a tremendous public relations effort going on for a while to confuse Hussein with bin Laden, or at least to associate them, in order to make Iraq seem guilty of an attack on the US. It's nonsense. Iraq never has attacked us. Our attack on them was unprovoked. Also, don't believe those who say that we're fighting Iraq because they were developing nuclear weapons. They weren't. And, even if they were, we'd be hypocrites to attack Iraq first. Israel was the first Middle East nation to get nuclear weapons, and it got them mostly by stealing technology from the United States. If someone over there is to be attacked over this issue, then surely Israel is first in line. Is Israel our ally? So some say. But no ally attacks their ally, as Israel attacked America on 8 June 1967. Those who say that Israel is a faithful ally are lying. Israel has been double-dealing against America for as long as America has been supporting Israel. America helps Israel; Israel slaps America. They're no "ally" of ours. If you study the videotapes of the WTC explosions, you can tell that the airplane collisions didn't cause them. These were controlled demolitions, and the airplane collisions were deliberately contrived theater. Did President Bush know anything about it in advance? Was it by the decision of George Bush that the World Trade Center towers were destroyed? What would Bush's motive be? Oil. Iraq's oil. The world's production in oil is peaking, and from now on it will be more difficult and more expensive to develop petrol fuels, lubricants, fertilizers, plastics, and pesticides from crude oil. In order to stave off the end of industral civilization in the United States (and Israel), Bush targeted Iraq for conquest. That's why we attacked Iraq. It wasn't 9-11. It wasn't any real suspicion about Iraqi WMD's. It's not really about democratization, either. All those previous alleged reasons, and the current alleged reason, for the Iraq invasion are lies. The real reasons are oil and Israel. We are the aggressors. I'd do something about it if I could, but my vote doesn't seem to do anything.
19 :
I have grown to respect your country ENORMOUSLY since the days of Karol Wojtyla / Pope John Paul II and all he and your country did to overthrow the Soviet Union. In that respectful tone, let me tell you about my son, in the U.S. Army and "fighting" in Iraq in his second tour of duty. My son, whom I love dearly, Instant Messaged me one day during the first tour of duty he was serving over in Iraq, and he told me of Iraqi kids, pre-teens to teenagers, pelting his soldiers with whatever they could get their hands on as they passed by their homes. My son expressed legitimate concern that sometimes they could pelt his U.S. soldiers with grenades before they could notice it, and several of his men could get killed. He said, "Dad, I could just turn my 50 caliber machine gun on them and kill all of them, but I can't do that!" So my son asked me to go to the store and buy him some soft-shelled paint pellets and a slingshot or otherwise known as "wrist-rocket" so he could shoot soft-shelled paint pellets at the kids instead of 50 caliber bullets from his machine gun. So, I went to a local store and bought him a slingshot and soft-shelled paint pellets so he could "shoot back" at the kids without hurting them. And I thought, here's my son in a war where people are trying to kill him, and he's "shooting" back at them with something I bought with my own money from a toy store so he won't hurt them. And WE are the aggressors!!?? Remember September 11, 2001 in New York City and Washington D.C., our capital and see how many innocent Americans got slaughtered one fine day by these "innocent" muslims/arabs/desert rats/whatever-you-want-to-call-them. Now remember my son, and tell me, who's the aggressor. From a land as respectable as Poland, I'm sure you can help your friends understand. God Bless you.
20 :
I am surprised to see a question from someone in Poland.I thought that most of the population of Poland had come here to England to work for pennies- undercutting people for work. Please do not come here to improve your English, To help persuade you we English love Americans and their Aggressive policies, and wish that our government would stand up to anyone who tries to alter our way of life-especially "hard line" Muslims who want to make the UK a Muslim state Bring it on rag heads
21 :
I live in the USA and I don't think we are aggressive as a whole. It is like anywhere else, you have good people and you have bad people. Sure, some of us may be war happy, as in Iraq and possibly N. Korea, but for the most part, we just try to live in peace and defend ourselves and our allies. Good luck on your English. Maybe someday you could come see how great it is here in America.
22 :
Yes we started this war and yes some crazy nationalists support it. But don't look at our president or our wars and think everyone supports them. Most people where I live don't talk about the war (LI) the only one who ever did was my insane Social Studies teacher who wanted to shove the war down our throats. I'm only 13 and he talked to us about how we should join the war and I can't believe people don't want to have it. So yes we did start the war but don't look at the U.S as a whole because there's many different people in this country.
23 :
We are!! grrrrrr!!!
24 :
Dobry wieczor...i agree with you about the agressor part i think we were better off with Saddam in power becase the gas prices were cheap! they were under 1.50 a gal before we waged this stupid war my friends are dying for what? nothing i havnt seen a change in Iraq just more americans and others killed gas has skyrocketed!!! i dont know why we didnt leave them alone this war was stupid 3,000+ dead allies for oil thats wesoly!!!! were only over there because he has to finish what he daddy started grr!
25 :
How would you feel if a bunch of Muslim terrorists flew a couple of jet airplanes into the largest buildings in downtown Warsaw? We are only defending ourselves against people who wouldn't think twice about cutting your throat just for the sake of killing! These are not people but animals and we have to protect everyone from them. Poland should be thankful that there is an America that has the strenght to protect the rest of the world.
26 :
Thank you my friend for your strong consideration of what is happening. Believe me, we don't want to be there but if we were to leave those poor people now they would be left in the hands worse then they were before. The goal at present is to get them established as a free country able to support themselves but if left unprotected that would never happen. As for your English, I commend you for doing a better job in using it then some of the people who are using insults to the language who live right here in the United States.
27 :
That is wierd as I servered with Polish soldiers in Iraq and they were in complete agreement that the cause that we were all fighting for was true. Maybe three is another feeling within the country that is not shared by your own Military. Polish soldiers have been in Southern Iraq since the beginning.
28 :
I live in Canada and totally agree that USA is an aggressor. BUSH wants oil. He thinks only of himself and his rich friends. GEORGE W. BUSH IS A MORON!!!
29 :
In some ways this war is good, and in others this war is bad. It all depends on how it's handled I suppose, and not many people think that a babling idiot is the best commander in cheif of the US army. There is no black and white on this war, it's all grey.
30 :
All these answers are like an Hollywood movie,saying America won WW11 we Brits stood alone and joined the war to honour an agreement to Poland many Poles fought with us in our air force. America is a great friend but you have never won a war without us
31 :
i say yes, but a very necessary aggression not 4 WMD but to prove a point.
32 :
There are other countries who are willing to fight but pick their battles more wisely than the USA.
33 :
Yes, USA is necessary. Last time somebody killed so many people in one day, we dropped 2 atomic bombs on them. If you ask me, we are getting soft. You are from Poland, so you will know about Serbia vs. Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. Serbians still think that USA is an aggressor, because they straitened them out. However, CRO, Bosnia and Kosovo think that USA is the greatest for saving many lives, and the only problem was; why did not they come earlier. You are right, Europe is weak. And you know why? Because they are not United. We are called UNITED states of America.
34 :
good luck with your English classes your right about the lack of support for the war not many countries would have the courage to confront the terrorism issue head on like we have. If it isn't stopped now, if the USA and Brit and some of the other Coalition country's hadn't made a move who knows what the situation would be like. These terrorists, barked up the wrong tree when they planned and executed their 9/11 sneak attack they have paid since then but they will continue to pay for what they did and no one in this country - will ever forget
35 :
Yeah, I felt kinda weak dealing with arabs/pakistanis in regular school and this mean ol' liquor store guy, I thought it was over...until 2000 when Bush stepped up to the plate, dayumm now the liquor store guy's scared of me. Weird, and all I had to do is vote one fuggin time, oh wait I didn't even have to 'cus he practically voted himself, I Loove this country too!! :)!
36 :
Yes, the US is the aggressor, because the UN can not do it's job and is useless. US is a giant and all these rathold nations wants to see it come tumbling down. Because we could not give them things they want fast enough. No matter what we do, it is never enough. US is like a giant bear that can knock anyone out with one punch, but we do not want to go around picking on these ratholds. So, all these ratholds band together like wolfpacks and take turn taking a bit. Well, now we are the Aggressor and it's about time!
37 :
America creates wars to get their economy happening.U don't see them running into Gaza only where their is oil.Get it now!America has got a lot to answer for.I don't agree with war and I don't believe it will solve anything.The things that will dissolve the war in Gaza they won't agree to(either side).Now America has dragged Australia into it,They are stilling bombing the Taliban,it goes on and on,and women kids etc the innocent on al sides are being hurt.Shame on you war mongers.
38 :
I love America too, very much. Those who have never lived in an oppressed country do not understand this point. Armies in other countries are not as good, as we have seen, and these countries need another force. Of course, there are the young and liberals in these countries who hate America but in the long run, they end up coming to the USA and being a part of this culture because they cannot survive in theirs. I have met many people, especially from Europe, who are living here, making money and say they hate America, well, why are they here? It is only here that they can make money and live better. By the way, your English is fine and maybe one day you will visit the USA.
39 :
this is 100% true and im from britain i think ur absoloutly rite
40 :
Your English is good! War is un-nessesary it is a killing machine that kills millions of children . Is a multimillion dollar business! At this 21st century we must find other ways to deal with each other, I know war has always been a part of humanity ,BUT we are on the edge of another era, we must change our course. Now if there be war , then let that war be amongs equal countries ,not a whole formidable army againsrt defenseless people.
41 :
Sometimes countries that will not turn the other cheek are always called the aggressor. Okay, look at it this way if a bully came up to you and knocked you on your a$$ then demanded your lunch money. You got up a beat the sh!t out of him. Eventually, you would not be thought as the victim anymore by the crowd. I say fu$k em!!!!! -Kevin82
42 :
Best of luck to you in America and learning English, try to stay away from slang and always remember, what right, isn't always popular, and what is popular isn't always right. Religious fundamentalists have been the leading cause of death through out history. This war in the middle east has been going on to some degree since before Jesus' time. Whether the USA is the aggressor from a historical stand point is not the issue, we are more like a babysitter, a referee trying to make it a fair fight acting on behalf of the weak. In the end, it's looks to me like another viet-Nam, unless we pull the ace like in WWII and Nukem' High!
43 :
Your English is good. Yes, we are the aggressors. Had we stayed in Afghanistan and fought the Taliban we would have been right. We have no business in Iraq what so ever. Oil is the reason we are there. We are the unrighteous aggressors.
44 :
Actually, I have a lot of respect for Poland and its people, They were brave and was an example to the world, when they joined the solidarity movement and toppled an oppressive Communist government, and did not need a foreign military to help them. Too bad the Iraqi's and Iranians could not follow their lead.

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