Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My mom green card has expired after living in Poland for 4 years , will she ever come back

My mom green card has expired after living in Poland for 4 years , will she ever come back ?
My parents were having problems getting along.My dad is also a transsexual who had a sex change . So about two or year later after my dad sex change my dad persuaded my mom to go back to poland to live for what was suppose to be for only couple of months . My dad thought it would be best if my mom went back to see her family whom she had not seen in 15 years. In the mean time my family back in the United States sold our home and moved to a different city . We close to the bay year later we had major hurricane damage so we could bring her back. Now she has not been back in 4 years , time keeps going by and soon its going to be 5 years she has not been back home. I have never been to Poland, I don't speak Polish , I have a very small in the United States and a whole family in Poland who I might ever meet. My mom is trying to apply for her green card , but the people in the embassy are denying her green card or any way to go back home in the united states. They don't believe she has kids. I am a freshmen at a community college right now.
Immigration - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Only if the libertarians win... Democrats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xV4KfeZabE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5st1WpF5HcM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWG5Dh_ehTU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB97F7fFTL8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LoAMfJOrms http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0ipO8By5Xk Republicans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJYwgC4aRRc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5BY1RgKf64 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pgHxHLU-bY http://www.youtube.com/user/shanklinmike
2 :
Your mother green card is no longer valid, she abandoned it like 3 years ago!!! She need go thru the process all over again...
3 :
If you don't already have US citizenship, then see about getting it. You can sponsor your mom to come back when you are 21 but you would need to have income. It might seem like a long time for you but it's a lot better than never. You can also save up some money to go visit her.
4 :
Your mother's green card was deemed abandoned years ago. Furthermore, if she came to the US and got her green card on the basis of a spousal visa, the end of the marriage nullified her green card. If she wants to return to the US, she has to start from scratch and apply for immigration. She needs a sponsor, and the husband or ex-husband is not valid now. What is your citizenship status? You had better make sure of your status in this mess! If you are a US citizen, you could sponsor your mother after you turn 21. But not while you are in school since you need sufficient income and assets to support your mother and guarantee a $30,000 bond. With your father's bizarre history, you might need not only to prove you are a US citizen, but also DNA tests to prove you are her child. Depending on if and when you could sponsor your mother, and how long the line is for Poland, it may be 10-12 years or more before your mother can return to the US, if she can return at all.
5 :
Well, as noted, the green card is no longer valid and can't be used to return, even though she has a son in the US. Since she isn't married anymore, she can't requalify based on that marriage. Once you turn 21, you can file your own petition for her under the IR-5 category, and those move relatively quickly. You'd have to file an I-130 immigrant visa petition, and you'd have to file a I-864 affidavit of support along with that to show you have the ability to support her. At the moment, you'd have to show an income of at least $17,500 for it to be acceptible. There is no $30.000 bond. That's nonsence. Plus, if you don't have enough income you can find a joint sponsor to help you. And your birth certificate will be sufficient to prove your relationship with your mother. The DNA suggestion is also nonsence, unless there's some reason to believe it isn't true. Anyway, it can be done, but not right now.

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