Thursday, July 7, 2011

What is it like living in Poland

What is it like living in Poland?
Economy, weather, culture. I'm 57. My grandparents came to USA from Poland. I spoke fluent Polish when I was 5 years old but unfortunately lost it from lack of use during my life. I'm sure I could pick it up again though. I'm thinking about trying to go to live in Poland when I retire. I'm fed up with the liberal, immoral culture of the US. Can someone help me out with a little first hand info?
Poland - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Did you consider taking a trip to Poland before moving there permanently? This would be my first trial of a country if I were going to change my home address. I can give you a tip though: We are not as open to others as Americans are. This might be a biggest difference for you, at least at the beginning.
2 :
I love Poland. It's not the most modern country, but IT IS modern.. we have just a little bit crazy politics. Weather - in summer - from year to year - bigger temp. , around 20-30 C, in winter - snow, snow, lots of snow. Snowmen, etc.etc. :) I love PL in summer/Autumn. Lots of trees, everyone is green. It looks wonderful. Every year town builds new facilities. Poland is much better every year! People are friendly, and know english. I'm proud this plane crash with our President didn't destroy Poland. You see - we're free only 20 years... is not enough. We 'learn' to freedom everyday. The most important holidays in Poland are Christmas - Wigilia(dinner eating when first star start shining)+Christmas. 1,2,3 May - It's Poland's national holidays. 11 November - it's important, too. I f you visting Poland, you must to see Wawel (castle of Polish Kings) , Main Market - thery're all in Cracow. And Warsaw (yeeah, this name in Polish sounds much better) bad news - in Poland, there's only ONE metro, with only ONE line (Warsaw) . And this roads...many young people want to get out of Poland, and never come back...unfortunately, it's true. In the end: POLAND IS WONDERFUL PLACE IN A WORLD! :) ps. don't think we are 'part' of Russia, I heard sometimes people think this.
3 :
You know ... I'm not sure are Polish kids better than American. After communism had fallen apart Polish mentallity has changed. Of course still time most of Poles are against abortion, homosexual marragies and similar but our culture is more immoral than was 20 years ago. If you think Poland is great, catholic state where everybody believes God you could be suprised when you arrive Poland. I am 17 and most of young Poles are conservative, but they do not care about many things. Althought Poland is a really great country,so ... ;).
4 :
Well, I do not recommend moving to Poland permanently, especially if you want to retire here, unless you have lots of money and you don't worry about anything.... If you really want to move here than it's a good idea to come down here for couple of months and try to live here. LIVING - not visiting..... I've seen a lot of people who believed that Poland is a great country and they moved here.... but they packed their bags quickly and went back to US. But there is still a lot of people who would pick Poland over anything else. It really depends on person. Poland is not for everyone... I lived in Poland and Canada for a while, and I temporarily work in Poland and I'm definitely not gonna stay here because of their retarded health care system, bureaucracy, instability, politics and their freaking complaining about EVERYTHING !!!! and many other reasons. I find it very hard to work with other Polish people because their culture and mentality is a lot different than Canadian and American. Poland is an amazing place for childhood. Many people can confirm that, but retiring here might not be a good idea and one of the main reasons would be the heath care system which is probably a lot worse than American one... An interesting article in english about "Th e art of polish complaining" -,1342,title,The-art-of-Polish-complaining,wid,12884469,wiadomosc.html polish version :,1342,title,Polakowi-jest-zawsze-zle-ale-za-to-wie-kto-jest-winien,wid,12884475,wiadomosc.html Good luck to you !!

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