Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What happened to the jewish people living in poland when the nazis had just taken over

What happened to the jewish people living in poland when the nazis had just taken over?

History - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
you have to be kidding. 98% of them died in labor camps and extermination camps.
2 :
They were killed, exterminated, treated like lab rats, imprisoned, tortured. Get the picture?
3 :
They were sent to concentration camps the most infamous of them all auschwitz. . . As soon as they arrived over 80% were gased using zyklon B an their corpses burned in an open field.
4 :
some saw the danger early and fled others well had terrible fates.....
5 :
Most of them were sent to extermination camps and were killed, only a few were able to escape and some hides and keep their identity a secret.
6 :
There jewish towns(many of them lived together in areas) were blocked off an closed and they could not leave. they were allowed to do thier normall thing and the Nazi pretend to be no harm . This was the very very begining. Once they had thier camps set up , they went through each area and slowly moved them to thier camps to start the extermination. The idea was that if they started off posing no threat that th jews would contiue to live thier lives and not tyr to run , so as they slowly started to extract them the jews were unprepared . My great-great grandma was 15 at the time you speak of in poland she told me that as they were leaving her village for America becuase her father had found a better job , nazi's were starting to just isolate thejewish people but there appeared to be no real problem in the future, and then she said sfter they left that they just swooped in and took over becuase they first learned how the jews worked and learned if they were going to be a threat and most imprtantly gain there trust so that they would cooperate better. When the Nazi's realized they were going to be dealing with , lawyers, doctors, buisness men, bankers and not your military "i have been taught to use a gun since birth" then thier mission became simple. Remember the Nazi 's wanted to make it feel like thier would be no change in german tradition and such.

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