Monday, March 1, 2010

How can I get a CSI scholarship in USA

How can I get a CSI scholarship in USA.?I live in Europe?
My problem is that I live in Poland but I want to work in USA as a crime scene investigator.What school do I need to finish and how can i get a scholarship?I"m seventeen at the moment and soon I will have to go to university so I need answers asap.Thank you
Studying Abroad - 2 Answers
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1 :
Most financial aid in the US is only for citizens and legal permanent residents. Last year only 8% of foreign students received financial aid in the US. You might try looking for scholarship assistance in Poland for Polish citizens to study abroad. These types of things are generally only for exceptional students who are studying something which is in short supply but urgently needed in their own country. Note that to obtain a foreign student visa you will be required to prove that you have sufficient funds for all of your school related expenses, plus all of your living expenses (room & board in dorm or rent, utilities, household expenses, groceries, transport to campus; plus health insurance and all the rest of your personal and household expenses), plus transportation back to your own country. If you are a high school senior, you are already too late to apply for the school year starting in September 2010. You are looking at a year out of school at least, unless, of course, you are still only the equivalent of a US high school junior and graduate in 2011.
2 :
Regardless of what you've seen on the TV, there are two types of CSIs - those who actually go to the crime scene, and the scientists who work in the lab. Those who go to the crime scene are actually police officers first, and to be a police officer in the US, you usually need to be a US citizen, so that's out. If you want to be a scientist, you'd need to get your bachelors degree in a life science (biology, chemistry), and then a masters in bio, chem, or forensic science. If you want to run the lab, you'll actually need your PhD. It is possible for foreign people to find work as scientists in the US. They way most do it, due to expense, is to get their bachelors degree in their home country, and then go on for their masters or PhD degree in the US. You'll find that university is much, much, much more expensive in the US than it is in Poland, due to how they are funded. What may be best, if you're interested, is to get a degree in a life science from a very good Polish uni, such as Uniwersytet Jagielloński. You'd then apply to US programs for your masters or PhD.

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