Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Has travel and tourism made it more expensive to live, eat, survive in Poland

Has travel and tourism made it more expensive to live, eat, survive in Poland?
Please backup your answer so I know what you are talking about-- don't just say yes or no.
Poland - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
The answer is no - and it does not need substantiation. I just feel so. On the contrary, the growing number of tourists helped a lot of Polish people develop businesses focused on tourism and generate more income.
2 :
I am an ex-pat Brit living in Poland for the last eight years. When I first came here, I thought it was like Christmas every day because everything was so cheap compared to England, but once I tried to start living on Polish wages, I started to see the real picture. When you compare prices to salary, living expenses, like gas, electricity, water, telephones etc, are expensive. Imported goods are expensive, often more so than in England. The price of a new car is about the same as in the UK, but when your salary is 25% of that of someone from the UK, buying one is just a dream for 70% of the population. Capitalism and joining the EC has bought prosperity for some and things have improved for a lot more, but the poor remain poor and there is genuine poverty over here, not the fake kind in the UK. On the positive side, food is still cheap, both in the shops and eating out in restaurants. For 20 pounds, you and your other half can go out to a nice restaurant and have a really good meal. A full trolley in the supermarket will cost about 50 quid. Property is still cheap and there is plenty of land for building. A greater percentage of Poles own their homes than in the UK because the prices are much more reasonable. Tourism has made an impact. Krakow and Warsaw have become quite expensive because they are attracting a lot of tourists now, not all of them welcome. The stag party trade has brought in a lot of money to Krakow but it has caused a lot of problems. Just think "Brits", "drunk" and "Union Jack T-shirts" and you will get the picture.I was in Krakow recently and it is now the top tourist destination in Poland and rightly so, because it is a beautiful city. It is however becoming quite expensive by Polish standards, although still represents good value to someone from Western Europe and I would thoroughly recommend it. Sorry this has been a bit long but your question was not one that could be answered in a couple of lines

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