Tuesday, July 7, 2009

where can i buy a live chicken in katowice poland

where can i buy a live chicken in katowice poland?
i am looking to buy a live chicken in katowice poland. i would like to raise it and then i would like to eventually eat it. where can i find a live chicken, or kurczak. what have u?
Poland - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Try this address of a chicken farm: "H i P 2" S.C. Ferma Drobiu P. Paszkowski R. Hasiński M. Pająk Palowice, ul. Szeroka 45, tel. 032 4317501 Palowice is a village a few miles south of Katowice.
2 :
Have a look at suburban markets.

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