Saturday, August 23, 2014

Remind me…

Remind me…

Cassie – like Lassie but not really It’s been forty days since we left Wells. We have travelled six weeks before in a van a couple of years ago, when we drove through Germany into Poland, down into Slovenia and then home. And our other summers have been close to six weeks too. So does this feel any ...

Star Apps: Toto

The Download Blog Star Apps: Toto Star Apps: Toto Founding keyboardist David Paich chats about Toto’s co-headlining tour with Michael McDonald, 35 years of highs and lows, and his favorite apps. Follow @star__apps Between their own releases and session work on other artists’ records, Toto members ca ...


Założyłam dzis bloga mojej siostrze. Oto jej blog Link Jelena Forever Poland To ona mnie prosiła ,żebym została na tym blogu. Proszę zobaczcie ,jak zrobiłam jej bloga. Dziękuje. A i zamówienia niedługo będą gotowe. Co to planu lekcji z Laylą trzeba trochę poczekać. nie mogę znaleść zdjęć. Zapraszam ...

23/8/2014: BlackRock Institute Survey: EMEA, August 2014

BlackRock Investment Institute released the latest Economic Cycle Survey results for North America and Western Europe (covered here: Here are the survey results for EMEA: "…this month’s EMEA Economic Cycle Survey pr ...

Stencils Vellum Is Ideal For Making Stencils Because Of Its Stiff, Yet Thin, Texture That Makes It Easy To Cut And Use Delicate Patterns.

How to Plant Morel Mushroom Seeds Harvesting Limits Indiana and by the feet of humans and cattle moving around the field. For example, amphetamines prescribed for ADHD, obesity and other problems also have street names which toxic substances are removed from soil and groundwater near a nuclear power ...

Мизерия (Mizeria)

Видеорецепт из кулинарного блога В главной роли: салатный соус «Зюльтер»

First trucks from aid convoy to Ukraine cross back into Russia

Credit: Reuters/Alexander Demianchuk 1 of 7. Trucks of a Russian convoy carrying humanitarian aid for Ukraine drive onto the territory of Russia-Ukraine border crossing point 'Donetsk', with people who have fled from fighting in eastern regions of Ukraine seen nearby, in Russia's Rostov Region, Augu ...

Alasdair Macleod; Ukraine, A Perspective From Europe

The eminent historian Niall Ferguson in an op-ed for the Financial Times (Friday August 1st) made a comparison between the events leading up to the start of WW1 and the Ukraine situation today. While the comparison is apposite given the 100-year anniversary of the former, these are very different ti ...

August 23, Saturday

Editor’s Note: The AMI Quiet Times for August 17-31 are provided by Pastor Ryun Chang. Devotional Thoughts for This Morning Heb. 10:24-5: “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging ...

In failing to stop the Islamic State, U.S. ignores the lessons of Auschwitz

OSWIECIM, Poland - Walking among the starvation cells and gas chambers where more than a million souls perished, it is hard to explain to my 12-year-old son how the free world allowed this happen. Why did the world’s democracies not stop the Nazi movement in its infancy — before it indoctrinated mil ...

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