Friday, December 21, 2012

Is September 1, 1939 still remembered in Poland

Is September 1, 1939 still remembered in Poland....?
....or has it been forgotten? Almost 70 yrs. ago...a long time ago...but there are still people alive who lived...or should I say...barely lived...and many who died tragically during the Hitler reign in Poland. Many people living in Poland today only know a Nice Germany, and not the Nazi Germany, that tried to conquer Poland. So are Polish people taught to remember the tragic days of World War II?
Poland - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes, it is remembered - and despite German efforts to attribute the war atrocities to obscure "Nazis", there is hardly anyone in Poland who is not aware of the invaders' nationality. History is taught well in Poland.
2 :
Yes there is going to be a commemoration. See the link to this article. I never realised the numbers of the concentration camps etc until I looked it up, it is truely shocking. I don't blame the current generation of Germans for what happened. I am not Polish.
3 :
It will be something like WTC in the US every year I guess, ok, maybe not that big! But sure, you can see nothing but that on TV today!
4 :
Of course they still remember! Look up the Warsaw Uprising museum sometime - a very interesting place to visit. Catholic Poles are not as whiny as certain other people (cough-cough). my husband, who is Polish has a best friend, who is German.Poles tend to get on with their lives, and while they remember the dead, they don't whine on and on about events. My husband's grandfather was locked up in solitary confinement for 5 years during the war and he never ever speaks about it. Btw - history is also taught very well in Germany!

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