Sunday, October 7, 2012

What are the differences between Scotland and Poland

What are the differences between Scotland and Poland?
I have noticed loads of polish folk are comming into my school. Why is there suddenly so many polish people. By the way I don't mind, I am just curious. I heard that it is because we get so much money in this country, and they don't get as much. But that they don't understand that in Poland it costs less to live than in the UK. Also, I heard that we have the highest living costs in the world, is that true? Thanks in advance.
Other - United Kingdom - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
We Scots' wear Kilts.
2 :
Polish people can earn massive amounts of money here in the UK in comparison to what they can earn in their own country. On top of that, our government give them housing and benefits, even for children of theirs that aren't even living in this country. I'm a single guy, a UK citizen and I can't even get a council house here in Oxford while there are many reserved for immigrants. The UK has one of the highest living costs in the world. Scotland has probably the lower end of UK living costs in most parts (excluding Edinburgh) which is what attracts Polish people. A lot of them share living costs by fitting 8 or 10 people in a 3 bedroom house and sending the money they earn back home to their families in Poland, therefore taking money out of our economy and bleeding our welfare system dry, making our taxes go up. That is why there are so many Polish people in your school - because of the state our Government has let our country get into in regards to immigration.
3 :
When you see replies such as that from JT you wonder why Scotland wants its independence just as Poland got its from the Soviet block. There is little difference between the Scots and the Poles - both are hard-working races who have suffered under the yoke of over-bearing neighbours for years.
4 :
It's not a sudden thing. There were loads of Polish people here during WWII & even some before that. Having visited Poland we both have a strong drinking culture (LOL), but the family also seems important, something that was also true of Scotland in the past. <<I heard that it is because we get so much money in this country, and they don't get as much. But that they don't understand that in Poland it costs less to live than in the UK.>> This may also be true, but remember many Scots emigrated to other parts of the world in search of a better life & more money. I wouldn't say that it costs less to live in Poland than here. Wages is a relative thing. They get paid less in Poland but probably get taxed more than us. Personally speaking I have quite a few Polish friends now. I wouldn't have had that opportunity had they not joined the EU. I think that any people that come to Scotland & want to integrate & enrich the culture of this nation is a good thing.

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