Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I live in Florida and will be traveling to Poland and Czech Republic. Looking for a long distance phone card

I live in Florida and will be traveling to Poland and Czech Republic. Looking for a long distance phone card.?
I live in Florida and will be traveling to Poland and Czech Republic. I am looking for a long distance phone card. This card must be able to call from both these countries back to the US ( Texas and Florida ) Any REPUTABLE suggestions?
Poland - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You have to buy a phone card in Poland. The ones sold over here won"t work you can only call out. I am not sure where my mother in law buys hers ( she uses those to call us because its cheaper). Congrats on your vacation make shure you visit Krakow & Czestochowa they are the most beautifull towns in Poland and Czech Repoblic is lots of fun ( ; Been there about 16 years ago loved it
2 :
You can buy calling card in every country in Europe as well as in Poland and Czech Republic. Same like here, there are different companies and costs. Get the best price you can get. Calling US will only work by buying the card in Europe.

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