Saturday, April 14, 2012

I want to know the cost of living in poland and India

I want to know the cost of living in poland and India?

Poland - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
see i also live in india but it is based on what kind of level u wanna live such as if u wanna be a paying guest it wud cost u around 4000Rs-5000Rs per month if u wanna live in a 3-star hotel it wud be 800Rs-1500Rs per day if u wanna live in a 5-star hotel it wud be 3000Rs-4500Rs per day other than costs of ur other things
2 :
rent runs from $100-300 /monthly/ depends on the city and the square surface of the house/flat. The loaf of bread is around $1. $1=3 PLN (zloty) Bottle of vodka (0.5L) the cheapest is around 12 zloty. Movie ticket is around 15 zloty.
3 :
more details depends of your standard of living

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