Saturday, April 7, 2012

I met this girl from Poland and after she left we have talked online for 3 years? Do I go to her

I met this girl from Poland and after she left we have talked online for 3 years? Do I go to her?
I met this Polish Slovakian girl in my high school in Chicagoland 4 years ago and we dated 1 year before she had to leave back to Wasaw (foreign exchange), but we have kept in touch everyday for 3 years. I am a sophmore now and a junior next semester in college. She told me she would like me to come to Poland to date me and see if what we had would be something more than bf and gf? I was planning to study in Europe and we seem to still be attracted to each other. Should I wait up for her, she seems to be very special as she is simplistic and very nice. She is very cute, she has blue eyes and blonde hair. I know intermediate polish. Do I go and see her and see if this would work? If I do and it does I would have to live in Poland then. We share everything with eachother and she shares everything with me. All her friends in her university in Warsaw, Poland know about me cause they all added me on facebook and told me she talks about me all the time. It has gotten so crazy that even her family knows of me :D. What do I do ?! Thanks for ur responses
Poland - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if you care for her enough i would say yes
2 :
That is so sweet! You should definitely go to Poland to see if things will work out, but first I'd finish up college before having any intentions on moving there.
3 :
Follow your heart. If you are in love then do what your heart tells you too...
4 :
well thats great!!! i think you should go.4 years is a long time and ofc you like her too so go there see how things work out. it will be great ;) best of luck dude :)
5 :
well, why did you say "dated" then??!! if you care for her, it should be "dating" still... if you ended that, you're not bf/gf anymore then it's ended and if you still care go to poland and stay for good or take her with you(if she's ready to go there for you). if not, sorry but long distance won't work...

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