Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Whats the culture or lifestyle in poland?what animals live there

Whats the culture or lifestyle in poland?what animals live there?
umm im doing a project about ti and i need to know like the lifestyle there and how the live and the animals and houses and the routines the schools and government, please help me :] umm do they have public schools? if not how much would school be? please i neeeeed your help!
Poland - 2 Answers
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1 :
About schools: in general, there's a Compulsory Education law that says while 7 to 18 years old you must be receiving education. You start at 7 and go to the primary school, which takes 6 years. Once 13 you'd have to enter one of the secondary schools (called gymnasiums). At the age of 16, when you're finishing the gymnasium you still have to continue your education (until 18 at least - only exception is when you are already 18 by the time you finish gymnasium, you're free to go then). You can choose from 4 types of schools after the gymnasium - the actual middle school as it's called here, or in high school in US. Those types are: - fundamental (basic?) occupation school - teaches you specific trade - 2 to 3 years - technical school (technicum) - teaches you more professional trade, ends with diploma and Matura final exam (just like british A-levels) - 4 years - profiled lyceum - teaches you both your trade and gives some wider education as well, ends with Matura exam. - 3 years - general education lyceum (the high school) - prepares you to enter university education - 3 years all schools are public, but you can also choose to go to the private one as for the rest.. I can't write your project for you, can I? :)
2 :
Oh man! A lot animals! Polish Bison, Brown Bear, Moose (called Elk in Europe), Legless Lizard, Black Adder, Polish Viper, Grass Snake, Fox, Wolves, Geese, Swans Ducks, Seagulls, Magpies, Wild Goats, Hedgehog, Porcupine, Deer, Stork, Jellyfish, Flounder, Seals, Turtles, um...ya! Used to be a Communist government, but is now a Capitalist economy! It has the largest Neo NAZI population anywhere in the world, and they dont take too kindly to foreigners! The schools used to be that you had certain subjects certain days, and Russian was a requirement! IDK if its still like that! Most of the people live in blocks like appartments! They are really common in Europe! If you live in a big city, you dont see many houses, just these blocks! Outside the cities people live in houses! Its a very strong Catholic country, and they dont celebrate Holloween, they celebrate something similar to Day of the Dead! And, its better then America! Oh...and they eat pizza with a fork and knife! Um...ya! I hope that helps at least a little!

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