Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dream on ...

Dream on ...

Heute ist in Polen Männertag :) und so habe ich für meinen Freund eine Scrapkarte gewerkelt. Er wird anders, als in Deutschland, gefeiert und die Männer ziehen auch nicht mit Bollerwagen ;) um die Häuser. Es gibt kleine persönliche Geschenke oder Süßigkeiten. Today is Men's Day in Poland :) and so I ...

Паннонские гусары

Хотя, правильней эту статью было бы назвать "Венгерские, Польские и Паннонские гусары" Где как не в Паннонии Альтерры им не появиться в первую очередь? Ведь родина гусар, как рода кавалерии, это именно Венгрия. Они появились во времена войны с турками (помните, я рассказывала в статье про Эгер?), бл ...


Mid 1980's Kristen and Linda celebrate after just having jogged to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and back Within the last several years pancreatic cancer has taken two people highly important to me: A man I greatly admire but am glad I never worked for, Steve Jobs; A colleague of mine in the geolo ...

US trade secretary, business execs meet Poland's leaders to intensify trade relations

WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- Even as the U.S. and European Union seek a major free trade deal, Poland and the U.S. should intensify their commercial ties in areas ranging from construction to energy security, U.S. Secretary for Commerce Penny Pritzker said Monday.

Donkeys Reunited at Poland Zoo After Sex Controversy

A pair of donkeys whose public displays of affection led to them being separated at a zoo in Poland are now back together again. Napolean and Antosia shared the same enclosure at a zoo in Poznan, Poland, for 10 years before visitors complained to zoo ...

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