Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Do you need antibiotics after a dental implant

Do you need antibiotics after a dental implant?
We live in Poland and my hubby just got an upper dental implant( the first part of the procedure). He just had numbing shots and was not asleep for the procedure. In the US they give an antibiotic and mouth wash. They did not give that to him here. Does he need it? He goes in one week to have the stitches removed. Thanks.
Dental - 2 Answers
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1 :
see there: good luck ;)
2 :
Hello, I am very surprised that your husband didn't received antibiotics before, during and after implantation. It is a typical medical treatment during the implantation. He should receive all medicine package (at least with antibiotics, positive bacteria, anti-swelling pills) He should also receive special tooth brushes (very soft) and mouth liquids. Implantation is a surgical procedure, so the body definitely needs a protection (medicines) If you also didn't received tooth brushes, mouth wash, pills and toothpaste I can highly recommend you: Elygydium soft toothbrush number 7/100 and number 15/100, mouth liquid Eludril, Elgydium tooth paste for sensitive teeth, and pills: Arnica, Aescin and Solcoseryl (a special gel to sooth the pain; you can put the gel on gums a couple of times per day) What is extremely important is to not to use your old tooth brush after implantation. Why? Because on your old toothbrush are bacteria that may cause infection (implanted area is very prone on infections) and as the effect you can even loose you dental implant. If you have any more questions about dental implants or any dental procedures I will answer all of them with a pleasure. Kamila - Dental

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