Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Have you ever been to Poland

Have you ever been to Poland?
I live in Poland. Have you ever been there? And did you like it?
Poland - 17 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
no sorry I can't say I've been there
2 :
Unfortunately, not!
3 :
No but i would like to
4 :
No but I would love to go!
5 :
Yes, I've been to Warsaw a few times, Krakow a few times and Lodz once. I didn't like Warsaw very much because it's too big and apart from the old town, there's not much to do. Lodz was brilliant. I stayed with some students at the university there. Fantastic people. But Krakow is my favourite place. In my opinion, it's one of the top cities in Europe. Glowny Rynok is so cool. The Wieliczka caves are brilliant. Good shopping and restaurants and the Polish are always friendly. Krakow's the best.
6 :
Yes, I have been. And no, I didn't particularily like it. Out of all the places I've been to in Europe, it's my least favorite. If you don't speak or read Polish, it can be very difficult to get around, speaking German helps. I personally know 3 people who got their cars stolen there, so I don't recommend driving! I found the food to be very bland and low-quality, and accomadations barely adequate, even the higher-end ones (little or no hot water, small rooms, shared bathrooms).
7 :
Tak, but just in Warsaw in 2001 to adopt our kids. We will go again in two months to enjoy Krakow, Poznan, Wroclaw and Warsaw. When I went last it was too cold sometimes to enjoy the beauty of the city and we were very involved in our process at the time. I'm looking forward to more experiences!
8 :
i go there every 2 summers i love it ♥ ♥ ♥ but thats only because i have alot of friends and family there
9 :
I grew up in Warsaw, so yes, I have been.
10 :
4 times, frikin awseome, i want to go back!!!! Lublin
11 :
LOVED it andheadinng back in september!!!! YEAH!
12 :
yes i was born there and i go back every year and i love it poland is the best country ever
13 :
I lived there for twenty-odd years. I did like it, most of the time... :)
14 :
I also live here.
15 :
My mom was first generation Polish American. She got terminal cancer almost 4 years ago. During that time we found that she had always been ashamed of her Polish heritage, for a number of reasons (a lot from just the old jokes). She took treatment and got well enough to take a trip with us to Poland. We went primarily to Krakow and the area around there. There was so much to see, do and learn. There is so much history there, some of it not so good, but history that should never be forgotten, none-the-less. All of our accommodations were good, the food and the people were great. It was one of the best vacations we have ever had. I would go back in a minute!
16 :
Yeah, I've been there 4 times. I'm 100% Polish, proud, and I LOVE it there!!! I don't know what it is... well okay I do know why I like it so much: I'd have to say it's because of the atmosphere there; everyone is so friendly, and everyone just has a totally different attitude. Polish people are a lot different from Americans - in mostly good ways, in my opinion. It makes it refreshing to go there. The cities are amazing... they instill me with my sense of pride. For Poland to have gone through such a rough history and still survive makes it nothing less than awesome. The food is also great! I love kielbasa and all the different hams especially. I have a Polish store close to where I live and it doesn't taste much like the food I've had in Poland, although it's better than nothing. Plus, I have family and friends there... seeing and visiting them is always fun! Unfortunately, it's really expensive to go there, especially during the summer months (which is the only time I can really go, because I attend school). If I could, I would live there.
17 :
Yes polska is awesome see all the citys mentioned in the answers

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