Thursday, May 7, 2009

Is 2500 PLN a reasonable salary for teaching English? Is it enough to live comfortably in Poland

Is 2500 PLN a reasonable salary for teaching English? Is it enough to live comfortably in Poland?
I want to become ESL certified and teach in Poland. I keep hearing that the pay is awful for English teachers in Poland, around 2500 PLN. Most of the jobs are in Warsaw, Krakow, and other large cities. I don't want to be rich, but will this amount allow me to have a decent apartment and lifestyle?
Poland - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It depends if you wanna rent a whole flat or live in a flat with other people. A studio is about 900 -1100 zł per month on average in the bigger cities. If you decide to share a flat it will be anything from 500-800 per single room, but this too will vary depending on the city you choose. So I guess in the worst case you'd have 1500 zł left for grub and whatnot. I think a salary around 2500 PLN isn't bad. A salary like that isn't breathtaking but its higher than most high school teachers get with 20 years of teaching experience.
2 :
2500 PLN is a VERY good salary in Poland and you can live very comfy.
3 :
just make sure that is the money you get after taxes and social security (assuming you have to pay it) - THEN it is a good salary. Make VERY sure about the "social" (ZUS) bit- these guys are better than David Copperfield- they make half your salary disappear into thin air and you never get to see it again Also check about income taxes- you might end up being taxed twice (depends on the country and international agreements)
4 :
For one person it's really good. It would be enough for renting a small flat, paying all household accounts and there still will be nice amount of money left for some whim :) (I know because I live in Poland ;P)

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