Friday, September 21, 2012

did the Celts ever live in what is now Poland

did the Celts ever live in what is now Poland?

History - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Some Celtic artifacts and cemeteries have been found in Poland but not much.
2 :
During their peak civilizations (the Hakstatt and La Tene periods), the celts probably occupied Britain, the Iberian peninsula, France (Brittany), Germany, Austria, Czech Rep, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Slovakia, and areas in Hungary and Ukraine, at least during some point. Many of their more important archaeological remains have been found in and around Austria, and they seem to have originated in the Po river valley. Most likely, they did not have a strong presence in Poland.
3 :
Yes, see below.
4 :
Not to my knowledge. While the Celts originated in the region covered by South Western Austria and North Eastern Switzerland in the area between the origin of both the Rhine and Danube, their migratory patterns tended towards the South into Italy and West to France, Belgium, Spain and ultimately the U.K. which is the only place Celtic culture of both P and Q types still exists today. However Celtic military prowess was highly sort after & Celtic mercenarys were widly utilised in the Ancient World. As a result small Celtic communities have seteled throughout the Ancient World. The most well known of these is the Galacians of Central Turkey ( near modern day Ankara). Remnants of Celtic mercenarys employed by Alexandra the Great and writen to by St Paul, as recorded in his Epistle to the Galacians in the Bible. Therefore to not answer your query, to my knowledge no Celts ever settled in Poland, however that does not mean it was not possible as they were around that geographical location. Sorry I can't be more help.

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