Saturday, January 7, 2012

What are the reasons for the war in Iraq

What are the reasons for the war in Iraq?..Did it have anything to do with fighting terroism?
I live in Poland and I don't know much about these current issues going on.And I always hear people say that we took oil away from them..Is this true?..Are the American troops against the civilians of Iraq or Afghanistan or not neccessarily?
Politics - 8 Answers
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1 :
On September 11th, 2001 the twin towers in New York City got attacked by airplanes, and supposedly the Pentagon did to or some crap. So, George Bush being the genius created his own brand new word and terminology and called it terrorist and created a brand new agency all by his little genius self called homeland security. He decided that it did not matter which group of "terrorists--a word he made up all by himself" attacked the World Trade Centers, that he was fighting all terrorism. Sadam Husein got on the news telling the world it was not him and he had nothing to do with it. The American people were getting shaky about the whole idea of starting a war with Iraq again! Then, all of the sudden George Bush announced that there was "intelligence" of what he called WMD's--Weapons of Mass Destruction being in Iraq. Later he announced that the "intelligence" was faulty, but, he hung Sadam Husein anyhow and insisted upon keeping the war going due to terrorism, claiming it was not a war just on Iraq, rather a war on terrorism. Although, he never went to war with Afghanistan, and the Bush family never even, to the best of my knowledge arrested or detained one person from the Bin Laden family, even though he claimed publicly that Osama Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the 9-11 attacks. As a matter of fact, I've even heard rumors that the Bush family and the Bin Laden family still to this day associate with each other, while meanwhile how many members of the American army and the Iraqee army and Iraqee civilians lost their lives do to the war in Iraq? Which, to the best of my knowledge none of these people on either side had anything at all what so ever to do with the 9-11 terror attacks.
2 :
You should ask the Iraqi civilians.
3 :
Hussein was a bad person.
4 :
Who cares. Killing muslims is fun!
5 :
Iraq wasn't the enemy of the United States. The government of Iraq didn't force the hand of the United States to do anything. Iraq wasn't a threat to its neighbors, let alone to the United States. The invasion of Iraq was completely unjustified under international law. In fact, it was illegal. It was a war crime, what's called a war of aggression. Those civilian deaths were cases of murder
6 :
The second Gulf War was really a continuation of the first Gulf War, because Saddam Hussein had failed to follow the conditions of his surrender. This is all spelled out in U.N. resolution 1441. He was continuing to rebuild his military and abuse his people, and was firing on U.S. airplanes. It was also rumored he had WMDs, but only a few of them were ever found. The first Gulf War was started when Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait.
7 :
Well, there have been plenty of rumours about unethical corporate action in Iraq, such as oil deposits being practically given to shell and BP. Also, there is a transcript just minutes after 9/11 of Cheney or Rumsfeld (I forget who) saying to his staff "look for anything linking to Saddam Hussein, meaning that they were planning the invasion of Iraq for awhile, and just waiting for the perfect opportunity. Also, the same could be said about Afghanistan, although Iraq was more of the mistake. Of course there will always be unethical practices by individual troops, but the majority of them are there to help the civilians of Iraq and Afghanistan. However, there are torture actions taken by the American government against civilians and terrorists that would never be allowed on American soil, so a bit of a double standard there. Overall it was about fighting terrorism, but also corporate and political interests as well.
8 :
NO, not really... It's mainly about mineral rights, hegemony, megalomania, and avarice...The forces that control things today....Peace...

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