Monday, December 14, 2009

I was borin in Poland, but live in Canada. If I visit Poland can I be drafted

I was borin in Poland, but live in Canada. If I visit Poland can I be drafted?
I was born there, but moved here when I was 6, I am 25 now. Are there any qualifications that can get me out of serving if I decide to visit? I was born in Poland so I am a citizen.
Military - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Are you still a Polish citizen? If so, I would guess you'd be eligible for their draft if they have one.
2 :
Only question that matters.... what is your citizenship?
3 :
Yes, if you are still a citizen of Poland you may get nailed at the border and get shipped out immediately to military training. I know a fellow that found that out in Russia. When he was about to leave he got A nasty surprise..Two years in the military. And no getting out of it. You best decide which country you wish to be a citizen of. Unless you wish to serve in the military of Poland

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