Friday, September 26, 2014

CEZ Eyes Poland’s Energa as It Seeks Regional Expansion

CEZ Eyes Poland’s Energa as It Seeks Regional Expansion

CEZ AS, the largest Czech power producer, says it would like to buy a majority stake in Polish utility Energa SA as part of its plan to grow through acquisitions in the region. The state-controlled CEZ needs to grow its revenue base “to ensure the stable ...

Gas Chambers Unearthed at Nazi Death Camp in Poland

Earlier this month, archaeologists announced to the world that several gas chambers had been unearthed at the site of a former Nazi death camp located in eastern Poland. The extermination camp, named Sobibór, was destroyed by the Nazis themselves back in ...

Poland - Factors to Watch Sept 26

Here are news stories, press reports and events to watch which may affect Poland's financial markets on Friday. ALL TIMES GMT (Poland: GMT + 2 hours): Poland's largest bank wants to follow its Polish corporate clients abroad to offer them financial advice ...

Мои твиты

Чт, 18:04: rz3aed: QSY to 40m at 14:03 #hrdlognet Чт, 18:05: rz3aed is On-air 20m #hrdlognet Чт, 18:08: New QSO:RZ3AED->UE16CT (European Russia) PSK63 20m 29km #hrdlognet Чт, 18:14: rz3aed: QSY to 17m at 14:13 #hrdlognet Чт, 18:20: rz3aed: QSY to 15m at 14:19 #hrdlognet Чт, 18:26: rz3aed: QSY to 10m ...

Bryggeriet Skovlyst – Skovbærhvede

The brewery Skovlyst was founded in 2004 and is located in Hareskoven,Værløse, Denmark. Since the 2007 the large batches of beer is brewed on license in Poland. Only limited edition, draft beer and beer for the restaurant is still made at the brewery in Denmark. I was given this beer as a gift, it c ...

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